a caravan journey of WORSHIP

WORSHIP is more than simply a Sunday event. Worship is a lifestyle. At BFC we strive to encourage people to connect with God and to experience His presence in every service and in everyday life. 

We are  dedicated to seeing God honored and His name lifted up in praise and adoration. As a family of faith, we worship together to express our love and devotion to God through the creative arts, prayer, and the life-changing truths of God’s Word.

Sunday Celebration Services - 10 AM

"Oh come, let us worship and bow down; 

let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker!" 

Psalm 95:6 ESV

For more information, please email worshipteam@beniciafellowship.com

Preaching and teaching

BFC - A Bible believing and a Bible teaching church. 

"I believe that God's Word speaks for itself. If I can simply convey the truth of God's  amazing love and His redemptive plan in a

manner that relates to people, touches their lives, and

brings about spiritual transformation... 

I'm good with that."

Pastor Michael Mau

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son; 

that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but

shall have everlasting life." John 3:16

Email:  pastormike@beniciafellowship.com

707.746-Lord (5673)


At BFC, we believe prayer is more than a ritual, programmed activity or obligatory time with God.  It is vital and essential to the body of Christ as we experience communicating with a living and personal God in sharing our praises, intercessions, and requests,

Prayer Service

Wednesdays - 6 PM

"If you remain in Me, and My words remain in you, then you will ask for anything you wish. And you shall have it...in this way you become My disciples."  

John 15:7-8

Email prayer requests to: prayerteam@beniciafellowship.com


Responding in obedience to the revelation of God in a person's life is always a beautiful time of celebration at BFC.  Whether the service takes place in the bay, a traditional baptistry, or a hot tub, the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is depicted. Baptism brochures area available in the BFC foyer. For further information you can speak with Pastor Mike personally or email him at pastormike@beniciafellowship.com.

"...baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit..." Matthew 28:19


Coming to the Lord's Table together is a beautiful remembrance of what Jesus did at the cross.   The power of His Presence is always reflected in times of Communion at BFC. His table is open to all believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

"...do this in remembrance of me."  Luke 22:19


The primary purpose of music and singing at BFC is to share together in the joy and worship of the Lord.   Whether the style is contemporary or a great hymn of our heritage, the music at BFC is Gospel inspired and shares the heart of the biblical story.

For more information about music ministry at BFC,  please email Charlotte Toler at charlotte@beniciafellowship.com


Art is a beautiful way to communicate the truths about God.  Whether it is the children displaying their work on the walls at BFC or a crafts night or a summer creative arts camp, creativity in the arts is encouraged at BFC.  Pastor Mike has even been known to paint his sermon during the Sunday morning message. 


Declaring the wonders of God and the Gospel of Christ through story telling and dramatization is a great way to demonstrate biblical truths.  At BFC, skits, readers theater, and occasionally full plays complete  with costumes and set design are used to share the redemption message.